Health & Wellness

The 3 Types Of Intermittent Fasting

There are three phases of fasting, from the most restrictive type to the least restrictive type. Let’s discuss the 3 types of intermittent fasting and what each fasting method entails and when it would be appropriate for you.

1. The 24-hour fast or time-restricted fasting

This is a light form of dieting that involves only eating for 12 hours a day for 3-4 days a week. Protein should be consumed on an empty stomach within 1 hour or 2 hours after starting this fasting technique (or with protein shakes). It is not recommended to exercise when you do this type of fasting. It’s best to do this method on an empty stomach so you can move your bowels without the food in your intestines. If you cannot consume the simpler sugars(glucose, fructose, and sucrose) on an empty stomach, then it is not recommended that you fast during all hours of the day.

2. The 16-hour fast or Eat-Stop-Eat Method

This form of fasting involves eating for a set number of hours per day, followed by fasting for the remaining number of hours in a day (16 hours). This method is ideal if you are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. It is not recommended to exercise when you do this type of fasting.

3. The 24-hour Fast

The 24-hour fast may seem very restricting, but it is one of the safest methods of fasting, and it involves ending your meal at least 4 hours before bedtime; this way, your body can get all the carbs (sugars and starches) that are present in the food that you eat. This method will involve eating five times during the day with a brief 2-hour break between each meal.

When you do an extended, 24 hours fast, you should focus on getting all the nutrients and amino acids into your body at those five meal times without worrying about the other 6 hours. This will be easily achieved if you eat small, frequent meals spread throughout the day.

Fasting is not a dieting method in itself, so it makes no sense to use this method as a tool to create a calorie deficit. Since it is designed to enhance health, it should be used on an intermittent basis to get the benefits of fasting without too many restrictions.

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