Health & Wellness

Know About The Healthy Plate Model

The Healthy Plate Model is a visual guide to mindful eating that divides your plate into four sections:

1) “Plant Strong”

This section will contain foods that are high in fiber, nutrients, and minerals such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

2) “Ashley’s Lighter Stories”

This section will include lighter proteins like fish, chicken breast without the skin/fat removed and beans without added fat. This is important to ensure you get enough nutrition to support your day-to-day activities but not too many calories. As a result of this model being mindful of weight loss one has to be mindful of what they consume.

3) “Hearty Meals”

This section will contain heavy proteins like red meat and low-energy carbohydrates including starchy vegetables like potatoes or white or sweet potato. This section should include both protein and carbohydrates because they provide a perfect balance of nutrition from the protein and non-starchy carbohydrate sources.

4) “Sugar Free, Sweet Treats”

This section will contain pure sugar or sugars with limited or minimal amounts of low-carbohydrate sweeteners such as stevia. This section is to be mindful of your time spent eating, therefore it can be consumed in small amounts as dessert if desired.

Benefits of The Healthy Plate Model

1. A guide to mindful eating.

This eating method provides a visual to what should be eaten in the ratio of ¼ plate each. This will ensure that one will not overeat and overeating leads to calorie intake that exceeds one’s RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for energy or nutrient intake.

2. A way to inform others about proper nutrition.

This model also works as a great way to teach others about good nutrition schools, workplaces and at home on how to balance their diet between proteins, carbohydrates and fats. To make the model less complicated there is an educational process that must be used in order for individuals to understand the benefits of each of these 4 food groups listed above.

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