Health & Wellness

Compare Plant-Based Diet Vs. The SAD Diet

The term “SAD,” which stands for Standard American Diet, has become a household name in recent years. The idea is that we should eat less sugar, white breads, and pastas and instead eat whole plant-based foods. With the many complications of our current diet and the increasing awareness about how food can make us feel some days better than others, it’s really no surprise to see more people turn towards plant-based diets. But what does a Plant-Based Diet vs. SAD Diet look like? What are their differences? And will you notice huge differences in your life?

Compare Plant-Based Diet vs. the SAD Diet

Health Benefits

The main health benefits of a Plant-Based diet are mainly: 1) They allow you to eat more vegetables – without the “sad” feeling, as many people often feel on a standard (high carb) diet, 2) They may help with weight loss and 3) They may improve your overall health.

Fluid Consumption

A plant-based diet typically includes fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and the like but not meat or dairy products. If a person eats a lot of vegetable products, their fluid consumption increases greatly. This can be a great benefit for people who don’t drink enough water on a daily basis. So, if you normally don’t drink much water, switching to a plant-based diet will help you meet your fluid intake.

Increased Fiber Intake

Plant-Based diets also offer more fiber than your average SAD diet. Fiber promotes healthy digestive function and reduces the risk of colon cancer. Eating plant based foods gets you to eat less processed and junk food since they usually contain little to no fiber or very little fiber. If your SAD diet contains lots of processed foods, try switching over to the Plant-Based and see if it will help with digestion issues, stomach aches and bloating etc.

Loaded with Potent Antioxidants

Plant-based diets are full of powerful antioxidants which can help reduce free radical damage in your body. Free radicals play an important role in maintaining the health of your cells, tissues and organs. They can also cause inflammation in the body and lead to many diseases. A plant-based diet is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which boost your immune system and protect you from disease. These nutrients help protect your DNA from damage which may contribute to cancer or other chronic diseases later on in life. There are antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables that have anti-inflammatory qualities which also help prevent diseases such as heart disease or diabetes.

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