
Best Vegan Sandwich Ideas


Today we are going to be talking about my favorite vegan sandwich ideas. If you are struggling for some fresh ideas to try out on your vegan friends, or if you want to re-invigorate your creativity with a new and delicious sandwich idea, then this is the article for you.

1. The Classic

The classic is a classic for a reason, as they say. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here because the classic vegan sandwich is good enough already. I mean who doesn’t like some fresh bread, covered with butter and sprinkled with a layer of crunchy lettuce? The vegan version is the same- lettuce, sliced tomatoes, and thinly sliced onion if you want some flavor. If you want to make this sandwich even better then throw a couple of slices of cheese on top. People will think you are crazy, but it’s really not that hard to do. You don’t have to be too careful, however, because if you try your hardest you should be able to get away with adding just a piece or two.

2. Tuna

The next vegan sandwich idea is a seafood-themed sandwich. This is not actually made from tuna but from a homemade vegan substitute that tastes just like the real thing. To make this delicious sandwich idea you will need to start by taking some vegan mayonnaise and mixing it with some onion and celery powder. After you have done this, add in some seaweed to enhance the ocean flavor, along with a bit of vegan fish food flakes. Make sure the fish food flakes are fully re-hydrated before you use them for this sandwich idea. Next, you want to spread this mixture inside two pieces of bread and top it off with a heaping helping of lettuce.

3. Classic Tuna Melt

The classic tuna melt is also one of my favorite sandwich ideas because it is usually so tasty. The vegan version of this sandwich will require some vegan cheese that tastes like tuna, which you can find in most health food stores. You may also need some vegan mayonnaise, as well as some vegan cream cheese. The best way to make this sandwich is actually on a grill. You will probably want to use some pita bread for this sandwich idea just to make sure it does not fall apart. It is recommended that you start by melting the cheese on the grill so that you do not have to worry about burning the outside of the sandwich while you are trying to melt it all together. Once you have done this, add in the other ingredients and cook until golden brown.


I hope you feel inspired to try out some of these vegan sandwich ideas for yourself. Although it is not easy, I think that anyone can learn to make a vegan sandwich, as long as they have the right ingredients and the instructions to do so. The next time you are having a party, why not put your newfound skills to the test and impress all of your friends with some great tasting sandwiches?

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